
AMORPHIS (2019 - English Version) - Tomi Joutsen (Vocals)

Windy and cold is the weather in Lyon. Sure it's winter but still... And finally I don’t mind because guys from the north are here to get things a little warmer… AMORPHIS and SOILWORK are in town for their co-headlining tour with JINJER and NAILED TO OBSCURITY. Earth will shake tonight. But before the war begin, I had the opportunity to meet Tomi Joutsen for a quick interview.

SBM: Hello Tomi! How is the tour going so far?

Tomi Joutsen: Oh it’s been amazing, there’s a lot of sold out shows and great venues. I was thinking that this would the best European tour for us so far. In the past we had something like two or three sold out shows but now it’s like 80% or something.

What’s awesome! Even tonight is almost sold out!

Yeah it has been great everywhere and it’s nice that people are showing up during the first bands and Jinjer has been doing an amazing job and so is Soilwork. It’s very nice because it’s not always easy to be an opener so it’s great!

I can understand it! But we’re here for them too! Actually my girl friend is mostly here for Jinjer.

Oh great!

If I’m right it’s a co-headlining tour.

Co-headlining yes.

How have you decided you’ll play last? Shortest Straw? (Laugh)

I think it’s gonna be the same that we had with Dark Tranquility in the States, it was half and half. But I actually don’t know what happened on this tour. Maybe Soilwork guys did not want to be headliner you know (Laugh)
Sometimes when two bands are playing, when there’s on the same level, it sometimes happens that people leave after the second last band, so headliner is not always the best sport to be.

I’m sure people will stay! You always do a great job!

On this tour it’s amazing that people are not leaving you know. Because with Dark Tranquility, in some places there were some people leaving. Not always but sometimes. But I get that.

Actually that’s the whole point to have two great bands playing: to see them both. And it happens more often now. A month ago Behemoth was here with At The Gates, Powerwolf with Amaranthe. Do you think it’s the new way of touring now? Co-headlining tours so more people could show up?

It’s actually new for us, but in a way it’s really nice because somehow, for me personally, there’s less pressure sharing the head spot. We’re playing like 75 minutes whereas if it’s a pure headlining tour it’s 90 minutes. As a singer 75 minutes is ok you know (Laugh)
It’s easier for me to share the head spot. And we also share the bus. So I don’t know how people react to this co-headlining tour but for me it’s great. Of course it depends on the band you’re touring with. Soilwork guys are quite from the same era, so they know how to behave, how to react, they’s great guys.

It’s just a great family ! (Laugh)

Yeah! But you know, sometimes if you’re sharing the bus with the guys, if they are different, if they have different routines, if they like to party until the morning it could be a very long five week trip. But with Soilwork guys it’s been very nice.
And it’s also nice that they’ve released an album, and so have Jinjer and Nailed to Obscurity.

That’s true you’re the only one who did not just released something! And I want a new album! (Laugh)

Oh no… Next one’s gonna be… I don’t know when but we have some plans already.

Usually there was three years in between albums and now it’s getting closer to four…

I don’t know let’s see… We have some plans for a tour next year, in Europe maybe, and after summer we probably start doing something, like a new album. But we never know, if there’s a great offer, something like opener for Slayer, of course we’ll go there! (Laugh)

(Laugh) You can’t refuse that!

Yeah! For example! We like to tour and the records we’ve released in the last years are at a decent level… So we tour and we tour.

More than decent! The last ones are amazing!

Oh thank you!

Queen of Time” is great, it’s bigger. So I assume that composing an album like that takes more time! You used ethnic instruments, even a great choir. How have you chosen this particular choir “Hellscore Choir”?

The idea came from the producer Jens Bogren. When we started the album we had no ideas about using choirs or an orchestra but I guess Jens is really into these kind of things like oriental stuff, which is a great match for us because we have used those kind of melodies.
So yeah it makes music richer but for me personally I’m not a big fan of orchestras and stuff like this, so I was like “Well I don’t know...” when I heard his ideas. But when I listen to the album now I feel more comfortable, it’s not to big or massive, there’s just some pieces there and there.

Absolutely and it fits really well this the Amorphis sound, Jens did a good choice. But actually how do you deal with this: As an artist, you have more freedom now, you can choose to experiment more… But on the other hand, as you said in an interview, you have to do what the producer wants. How to you handle this during the creation of the album?

Oh it’s not a problem, I think it’s good that we have a boss on the project! (Laugh)
We’ve done some albums without producers, except for vocals, and sometimes there are too many ideas, sometimes you might lose the line to follow. And that’s the job of the producer, he has to take lead and you have to follow that. Of course sometimes you have to do some compromises, but when we released the album I thought it was really solid and hiring Jens Bogren raised the level a little bit.

It’s true that he’s a great producer! He takes decisions you can’t take being too much into the process.

Yeah and sometimes he want to keep things really simple when there are too many layers. But I think that all the ideas we had in the beginning are there, but not on the top, it’s all about mixing it. It was fun working with him because he’s really a hard working guy and when you travel to his place you’re kind of isolated and you can concentrate on what you are doing.
It’s not easy every time but it’s worth doing it.

The result sounds great for me! Who had the idea of the saxophone on “Daughters of Hate”?

Actually it’s not the first time, we used flutes and saxophone before, but the idea came from Jens.

It felt strange at first but actually it’s quite great! Some bands are starting to include saxophone into their music, which reminds me, personally, of jazz. Do you think, as an artist that metal bands are heading toward that influence?

Well I think it has somehow always been there and I’m not a big fan, there’s too many notes for me. (Laugh)
I think some bands that are playing… djent you know, they have some difficult rhythms and I think this might come from jazz...

As Jinjer for example.

Yeah for example or some fusion kind of metal which I don’t understand at all! (Laugh)
For me saxophone is more something… eighty, cheesy… guys with fuckin muscles! I think there was a scene in “The Lost Boys” movie, do you know that?

No sorry, I’ve never seen it.

I think there was a scene with a muscled oiled guy with a saxophone, I was fucking cheesy.

You have muscles maybe you could play saxophone? (Laugh)

Yeah maybe a little saxophone! (Laugh)

This part of the album is also the part where Pekka narrates a part of his lyrics. First he writes the lyrics, now this. What is the next step? Kicking you out and replacing you as lead singer? (Laugh)

Hum… I don’t know! I could not replace him for the lyrics that’s for sure because I really suck! But we have talked a little bit about the future and he’s really into the idea of working with us but he’s not really getting younger, he’s 60 or something…

Oh I thought he was younger…

He’s a great guy and it’s always interesting to have those ideas and lyrics from him and I think fans also respect him, every time he joins us on stage people go really mad and crazy.
You can feel that people really respect the guy and it’s nice that he also sells in his oil painting shows, for those who want to get deeper into Amorphis feelings and philosophy, they can have more from Pekka.

I didn’t know that, I guess I’ll check it out!
There’s also the come back of Olli-Pekka in the band. Has he brought some old vibes from the old Amorphis time?

Yeah of course, he has a total different bass style than Niclas. It’s great he’s back because when he left, the carrier was going slowly down in a way and those days weren’t really joyful, there was a bad chemistry in the band. And now that he’s back, and the band is on a little bit higher level, it’s great that he can enjoy this new Amorphis because he’s an original member.
And I respect Olli-Pekka because he had a really good day job and he’s no younger anymore. It takes a lot of balls to leave all this behind and jump again into this touring life.

Of course he brought the old sound back and he’s also a great composer so it would be nice to hear more of his work in the next album. He did some songs for this album also but they were released as bonus tracks or something.

I heard them I think and they’re great!

Yeah! And I’m happy he’s in the band again because we’re quite the same kind of guys, we do a lot of sport and stuff like this together! So yeah I’m happy he’s back!

It’s good you have time for this! Touring can be very long far from home. You’re still able to deal with touring and being with your family after these years?

Yeah I’m used to it. The worst moment is when you have to leave home and the first couple of days. But I’m used to it, it’s like a second life in a way, you have some routines, unless you’re sick it’s quite comfortable.
And of course the last days on tour we’re already willing to get back home, sometimes it’s like “Ok Fuck it!

Please don’t fuck our show ok?!! (Laugh)

No, no, no!!! I’ve been in a good shape on this tour, it’s been quite easy but it’ll be good to get back home. I’ll be there two weeks and then we’ll have our Russian tour and then South America so it’ll be quite intense…

Sure as hell you’ll be busy!

Yeah! But June is free… We have nothing there and then the festival season starts.

And you’ll be busy again! You will be able to spend time on your Instagram account (Laugh). You seem to be there a lot. Is it because you’re the singer of a successful band? Or is it just because you enjoy it?

Well, I haven’t been really active these days because everyone is posting Amorphis stuff. To be honest I’ve been a little bit bored with Instagram but I try to get myself together with that one. The good thing with Instagram is that you don’t have to talk to people and I’m not a social guy… Sorry this can be rude…

Oh no don’t worry I’m quite the same now! (Laugh)

I don’t feel comfortable talking to people I don’t know at all. I get some requests and stuff like this but to be honest I don’t want to talk that much. I somehow have to do this because it’s related to Amorphis. It’s business-wise so of course I answer but… I’m a selfish bastard I guess (Laugh) I’m too lazy.
But if I post something, I try to post something you won’t find anywhere else, some personal or interesting stuff.

You’re right! Actually I asked this question just because every time a metal band post a photo or something I always see “Tomi Joutsen liked it” (Laugh)

Yeah when I see #amorphis or #amorphisband I always like it!

You liked two of my pictures from your show at the Hellfest 2018 so I’m really grateful!

Actually I’m following too many people, something like 2000, it’s too much. But when I started on Instagram, I found so many interesting sites about tattoos, biker stuff etc…

But really quickly you’re overwhelmed…

Yes but I found for example some arts for T-shirts, some clothes, some jewelry, so it’s a nice community in that way.
Facebook is more for people who would like to be more active with fans and stuff like this.

I’m not a big fan of social medias and this one in particular. But sometimes you have to live with your time!
Well clock is ticking so I guess we’ll have to conclude. So I leave you the final words if you want to do do it or say something to the french fans!

Hum I don’t know, it’s very difficult to figure out something legendary in the end… (Laugh)

You don’t have to if you can’t! (Laugh)

Did you visit Hellfest last years ?

Every year man!

Did you see the ass of Nicko Mc Brain?

I’m sorry what ? (Laugh)

He showed his ass… It was nice! There was these giant screens and there: Nicko Mc Brain’s ass!
And after that came the guy from Manowar, very masculine and he was like “We’re gonna fucking destroy !!!!” and people were (He claps his hands slowly looking bored)
That’s when I thought that French people are now that much into Manowar.

Apparently they don’t really like French people either…

Oh really?

That’s that I’ve been told…

They’ve released great albums but I think the plan was people to go crazy here and then they brought him on stage but it felt more anticlimactic you know (Laugh)

I wasn’t there for the announcement but I can picture it… Actually this year I’m really looking forward to see Kiss again.

Oh yeah that’s cool! Hellfest has really raised up, we saw Iron Maiden, we had time to walk around, to visit the merchandise booth, the decorations etc…

It’s still amazing year after year! And that year you did a great show!

Oh thank you!

You’re one of the few I’ve been able to watch entirely!

Oh that’s cool! Thanks!

Well thank YOU for that and giving me a piece of you time today! Have a nice show!

You too! Thank you!
Critique : SBM
Vues : 2515 fois